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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, inc. Please be advised that the revenues and results shown are extraordinary and are not intended to serve as guarantees. In fact, as stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money or generate more sales with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. We don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help you by giving you great services, and digital products to grow your business, track & manage leads, and make strategies based on the different reports you will get by using this software. We believe we can move you forward.

Information on this website is not meant to provide investment, financial, legal, accounting, medical, or tax advice and should not be depended on in that regard. Escon Infra Realtor Private Limited and/or its subsidiaries are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, howsoever caused, arising out of the use of this website. A complete privacy and safety measure is not yet possible over the internet.

Escon Infra Realtor Private Limited advises users that the internet is not a risk-free approach and privacy cannot be made sure. Escon Infra Realtor Private Limited and/or its subsidiaries will not be responsible for any damage customers may suffer if you send confidential or sensitive information to us. Transmission of confidential or sensitive information is at the user’s risk. Any unsecured email communication over the internet is, as with communication via any other medium (e.g., cellular phones, post office mail), subject to possible interception or loss, and it is also subject to possible changes.

All of our terms, privacy policies, and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link above. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope our services, and products bring you a lot of value.